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Elizabeth Jackson
In Which Our Hero is Compelled to Prove How Well He Knows His Friends
Verily Veritas had had enough of internet quizzes.

Nicole Kohut and Malia Simon
Did You Leave Your Room Today?
Affirmative By Nicole Kohut This question is a mental one. To the uncritical eye, my sustained geographic location might serve as...
Morgan Levine
By Morgan Levine On the train thinking of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 1 a certain genre: stories by and about passengers of...
Benjamine Mo
By Benjamine Mo In this sermon, everything is but its ending. And this ends with me as it did with you just weeks ago, when I saw you off...

Kelsey Kitzke
Virtually Prestigious
In a year of upheaval, the University’s attempts to defend its elite reputation are more vapid and vain than ever.

Billie Forester
“This Is the People’s City, Not the Cops’”
Conversations with student activists and organizers at the epicenter of the national abolition movement.

Gaby Edwards
Ornella Pedrozo
By Gaby Edwards When I FaceTime Ornella Pedrozo, BC ‘21, she’s breaking for lunch. She’s making something delicious in her Upper West...

Jaden Jarmel-Schneider
Anjali Verma
By Jaden Jarmel-Schneider During her first-year Accelerated Physics course, Anjali Verma’s professor, Brian Cole, told her to check out...

The Blue and White Magazine
Blue Notes, September 2020
In which our writers impart (relatively) sound advice to the Zoom Class of 2024.
Malia Simon
NSOP Icebreakers: Zoom Edition
By Malia Simon Uh oh! It’s Orientation season, and you know what that means: NSOP leaders are already plotting the many ways to “get you...
Sam Needleman
Letter from the Editor, Orientation 2020
Sam Needleman This month, in his profile of Anjali Verma (Off-Campus Characters, p. 12), Staff Writer Jaden Jarmel-Schneider writes about...
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