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  • Writer's pictureThe Blue and White Magazine

Wrestling with Words

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

In the hours prior to this Blue Book’s creation, our hearts were wracked with grief over the cohorts of sign- ups that never gave us a chance and salty, graduated students which submerged our humble listserv in a tsunami of requests asking to be removed from “bwstaff.” This compilation is a tribute to their time with us. They grow up so fast…

The Original Culprit:

“Hope you all had great breaks! Do you mind please removing me from your listserv as well? Best of luck in the future.”

The Sheep:

“I’ll hop on the bandwagon! Please remove me too, thanks!” “This is great and you can take me off as well.”

The Sassy:

“Remove me please!”

The Disaffected:

“Please stop hitting reply all for the love of god.” “Please for the love of all that is good stop hitting reply all!!” “Please DON’T REPLY ALL AND SPAM EVERYONE JUST REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE LISTSERV THRU CUIT.

You’re all smart people, gure it out.”

The Garamond User / Skeptic:

“Can whoever is left on the listserv tell me how we got so many people on it?”

The Trolls:

“Please like our Facebook page before you leave

the listserve!” “Can you please keep me on your listserv ? would love to get every update about The Blue and White, the undergraduate magazine of columbia university! thanks!”

Ian’s Friend:

“(Hi Ian, miss u)”

The iPhone User:

“Sent from my iPhone”

The Person Whose Use of “lol” We Still Don’t Know Is Ironic or Not: “(lol sorry about this)”

The Bwog Affiliate:

“Actually, fuck I think it’s the gmail I used for bwog”

TheStudentWhoHasSubsequentlyBeenAdded to Our Subscriber’s List for This Response:

“I’ve looked into it, and I think the only solution is to continually spam the owners’ inboxes until we can get out of reply-all hell.”


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