The Blue and White MagazineFeb 10, 2017TransactionsUpdated: Aug 2, 2021ARRIVALSUncomfy tables outside FerrisSorority rush“Terrific”Our dashing new Editor-in-Chief (not at all written by said editor)Alternative FactsDEPARTURESJJ’s (indefinitely)ObamaEverything Obama has ever doneLionshare
ARRIVALSUncomfy tables outside FerrisSorority rush“Terrific”Our dashing new Editor-in-Chief (not at all written by said editor)Alternative FactsDEPARTURESJJ’s (indefinitely)ObamaEverything Obama has ever doneLionshare
Letter from the Editor, March 2020By Sam Needleman The Blue and White’s constitution charges its staff to “collectively craft a publication that not only shows clearly...