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Blue Book, March 2017

Updated: Aug 2, 2021



Diverse Oscar winners

Green Investments

JJ’s Cool Zone

Blue and White laptop stickers (email us if you want one)

Debora Spar, CEO


Tony the Bouncer

Knowledge about Columbia’s Zoroastrian collection

Debora Spar, President


“The only real effort required to seize a Columbia man is to discreetly dispose of all Barnard women in his intimate sphere, lest your spot on his arm be usurped by one of those Core-abstaining sirens.”

– A recent Spectator op-ed


Here at The Blue and White, we have been inspired over the past couple of weeks by the vast and extensive surveys conducted by fellow campus publications. In tribute and deference to these enlightening studies conducted by other media outlets, we have compiled some of them here for you. We have also added some of our own data!

Sixty percent of Columbia students went to Europe for spring break, while the remaining forty percent went to “do service projects” in El Salvador. Ten students were surveyed!

Two-thirds of Columbia students think mental health services are “not doing enough.” Out of 260 surveyed!

Seventy percent of Barnard students can get into EC without being signed in. No Barnard students responded to this poll.

Sixty-eight percent of CC students are PoliSci – Econ majors. Twelve percent are Financial Economics majors. The remaining twenty percent study “Sociology, with a concentration in Human Rights and also a concentration in American Studies and also Gender Studies.” This is accurate data from a recent Columbia College report.

Fifty-seven out of 300 Columbia students think the “Carry That Weight” project of 2014 had a “slightly negative” effect on the community

Eleven out of every ten student-athletes were grinding while you were lounging over break. Every single student-athlete responded to this survey, so that you would de nitively know how hard they were grinding.

Ninety-nine percent of eligible graduate students and undergraduate TAs voted to unionize.

Three quarters of CC and SEAS students regularly sign GS students into residence halls, at least three times a week. 140 students responded to this poll!

One Blue and White editor has spent approxi- mately ten hours in at week intently watching the Animal Adventure Park “Giraffe Cam” live video feed, in hopes of seeing a baby giraffe. 100 percent of the one editor we asked responded to our poll, so the data is very accurate.

1,000 – the number of students Public Safety will cram into a pen on Bacchanal, “for their safety.”

100 – the amount of square footage of one

Bacchanal pen! Fifty-four percent of all food served at Columbia dining halls comes from within a 250 mile radius.



Postcard by Kristine Dunn


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