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Sona Wink
Joan Jonas
Sea creatures, magic shows, and inner spirits By Sona Wink I came to know Joan Jonas amidst unusual circumstances: We sat side by side...

The Seniors
Senior Vignettes
You had to be there. Alice Tecotzky Two floors above 108th Street and Broadway lives a gray-blue couch, shaped like an L, adorned with a...

Phoebe Wagoner
Following the Vegetable Trail
The evasiveness of Columbia Dining about its food sources . By Phoebe Wagoner Last year, Hewitt’s “Activism Is About the Journey” mural...

The Blue and White Magazine
By Kate Sibery I had been looking for a hole in the ocean— so I decided to walk over to the East River but when I got there every person...

Eva Spier
He Cut That Cake With a Knife
What happened to Columbia’s linguistics department? By Eva Spier The Columbia University linguistics major is a transplanted organ of...

Miska Lewis
Kit Malloy
by Miska Lewis Earlier this semester, pink flyers popped up across Columbia’s buildings advertising “Mother Tongue’s Inaugural Picnic:...

Thaleia Dasberg
Selected Poems
By Thaleia Dasberg Illustrations by Phoebe Wagoner “simmer” over milkwashed fields plucking feathers off corn stalks bleeding I watch...

Miska Lewis
Drug of Choice
As Barnard rolls out medication abortion, student activists reflect on the past and future of reproductive healthcare on campus. By...

Vivien Sweet
Altruism, Butchered
Animal rights activists go to new extremes. By Vivien Sweet Amid posters urging students to audition for sketch comedy groups and...

Anna Patchefsky
Cloudy with a Chance of Haze
An online weatherman puts the personal back in forecasting.

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