The Blue and White MagazineDigitalia Columbiana December 2017These excerpts were culled from documents left on Columbia’s lab computers. We encourage our readers to submit their own digitalia finds...
The Blue and White MagazineMeasure for Measure December 2017Listen By Ryan Cohen “Listen, I know this cafe that I’d love to show you. We could get coffee sometime this weekend and maybe get to know...
The Blue and White MagazineTold Between Puffs, December 2017In which our hero uses a few too many italics
The Blue and White MagazineLetter From the Editor, December 2017By David Alexander Swanson Thanksgiving has passed. Out march the elves and the reindeer, the snowmen and candy canes in their cohorts....
The Blue and White MagazineThe Louis Armstrong Jazz Performance ProgramBy Alec Mauro Many students arrive at Columbia with little knowledge of the music that was revolutionized no more than a subway stop away...