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Curio Columbiana, October 2014

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

In Curio Columbiana, the sallow-faced editors call forth written artifacts from our beloved institution’s past. See the Columbia that was! Reconsider her as she is! The following excerpts were taken from The Black Book, or Book of Misdemeanors in King’s College, New- York, 1771-1775, a record of disciplinary actions taken by the college in those years. 

Jan. &. Feb. 1771. Shreeve, Abrahams, Bogert confined to College for taking Tea-cups out of another student’s room, and denying that they knew anything of them.—N.B. Shreeve [deemed] the most culpable.

June. 29. Robinson suspended by the President for being indebted in two Gr. Themes, and one Gr. Translation, after having had Time much more than sufficient for the performance of them; it not appearing that he had any Intention of doing them at all.

April. 28. 1772. Robinson spit in the Cook’s Face, kicked, him & otherwise abused him; of which he the Cook complained to the Governors as they came out of Chapel.

June. 17. Davan to be represented to the Committee, [at the] next Visitation, for refusing to open his Door when repeatedly called upon by the President, (being sent for also from home, where he had not been for some days) and causing four Doors to be broke open before he could be laid hold of—N.B. found, at last in the Room opposite to his own, where he had hid himsel}f, having opened the Door with a false key, and hid himself in one of the Studies.

July. 9. Remsen, for beating Nicholls, the preceding Week, & absenting himself from College under Pretence of Sickness, for several Days, tho it was proved he had been fishing on some of those Days; Was ordered to ask Nicholls’s Pardon before the Students, which he accordingly did; —Was also confined to College till the following Saturday Evening, & injoined to translate into English the 21, 22, 23 & 24 Chap, of the Book of Selectae e Profanis besides his usual Collegiate Exercises each Day.

June. 17. 1774. Davan to be represented to the Committee, ye next Visitation, for refusing to open his Door when repeatedly called upon by the President, (being sent for also from home, where he had not been for some days) and causing four Doors to be broke open before he could be laid hold of — N.B. found, at last in the Room opposite to his own, where he had hid himself, having opened the Door with a false key, and hid himself in one of the Studies.

September. 27. At a Quarterly Visitation. Rapalje, for stealing Moncrieft’s Stockings, ordered to be confined within the walls of ye College for one Month after next Vacation, subject to such daily Exercises as the President shall assign him; and in Case of Deficiency in the performance of either Order, that he be recommended to the next Board of Governors for Expulsion, and that he also make a public Acknowledgement, in the Hall, for his offence.


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