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Sydney Contreras
In Which Our Hero Takes a Pandemic for a Plague
By Sydney Contreras “Huzzah!” cried Verily gleefully upon watching the last of his suitemates roll their Hartley moving bins into the...

Harris Solomon and Nicole Kohut
Don’t You Just Love Quarantining in LA?
Affirmative By Harris Solomon It’s soft and warm inside my bed. I’m dreaming about ahi tuna and equitable wealth redistribution when a...
Sylvie Epstein
from Brookline
By Sylvie Epstein The towns of the Eastern Seaboard like to call my name. and gray plush on the passenger’s seat flashes with the passing...
Samia Menon
to all
By Samia Menon I can only describe things that are real: sharp air that tastes like the color of hospital lights, yellow summers that...

Raquel Turner
Disco Lights and the Divide
Columbia’s small but mighty low-income community transformed my first year.

Raquel Turner
Yasmeen Asali
By Raquel Turner In early March, I met Yasmeen Asali, CC ’20, in the Astronomy Department’s hub in Pupin. When I arrived at the door, she...

Elizabeth Jackson
Aanand Shah
By Elizabeth Jackson I began interviewing Aanand Shah, CC ‘20, with what I thought was an easy question: “Where are you from originally?”...

The Blue and White Magazine
Blue Notes, May 2020
Quarantine dispatches from Golden Gate Park, Bowdoin, Jersey, and the National Mall.
Sam Needleman
Letter from the Editor, May 2020
By Sam Needleman This isn’t how it was supposed to go! We were working on our April issue when the Bad News came, and we were forced to...
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